Monday, August 13, 2007

i've been tagged

ok, so Jules has tagged me & im to list my top 10 of summer... i should be in bed trying to sleep, but im wide awake.. dh is leaving for phoenix for 2 days in the am & had to have him u know me.. i throw it out there like it is...
1. my weekend at Jule's house in tarpon springs w/ Karen & my hilltop girls via way of
2. winter retreat. freezing my hind end off in the cabin friday night, blowing out the fuse in the cabin w/ my electric blanket.... good lord... it was COLD.. but wouldnt miss it for the world
3. birthday crop at citrus hill rv park... i just love not having any curtins on the windows... i look great in a sleeping
4. sebring fried green tomatoes crop... my sinus dripped the entire weekend, almost burnt down our room due to peach cobler drip in the oven... anyone passing by would think we were getting stoned in our love kip in her bikini shirt w/ my holding her belly ring in my teeth. oh yeah, flashing boobies & having a bra on my head (again im sorry if i offended anyone)
5. being able to go to cku. but karen & i will be missing out on creep over... drat the gold logs park for not having enough beds... hey what if we brought tents? hhuuummmmmmm
6. going away over spring break w/ my family... we went to georgia, south & north carolina w/ friends. i just LOVE camping & was hoping to find a place to live (no such luck. house has gotta sell first)
7. driving to georgia by my self the end of july to pick up my girls (they spend a week w/ my fil in NC) I got to see my friend lynn & my brother whom i love & miss dearly.
8. turning 40 this year, my dh spoiled me rotten, i got my 2 bearded dragons for mothers day & my mac lap top for my b-day & a small surprise party.....
9. swimming in the lake at joe & mary's house. i love the lake more than i do a pool, it's just so much fun to jump off the dock & act like a kid. i think the kids love it cause half the time im down on their level, having fun & im not afraid to make an ass outa my self.
10. just being.... sitting back & watching my kids, how they have grown & how beautiful they are & what wonder people they are becoming (thats on the days i like them & dont have to
well my friends. i wont tag anyone since im sure those linked to my blog have already been tagged & i dont know anyone else outside of my hilltop girls that has one.

I want to thank Linda J. for all that she does for her girls, the lengths she goes too, to try and please everyone. which i know is not always easy, but it takes on hell of a person to keep on tryin & succeed cause so many of us live for our hilltop crops. Linda you and your girls (michele, elle, dee, barb, diana, sorry if i forgot anyone) stive to make hilltop the best that it is & for that i love you w/ all my heart.
I had to twist my friend Kathy P. arm to try to get her to even go to one of our away crop, now i cant keep the witch we are having some great times together... she's quite the prankster & joker.... love ya kath, wouldnt have u any other way.
well girls that it for now. i will try to be more diligent w/ my blog, right now it's just really hard, im back full time 40 hrs that is monday - thursday (i have fridays off... yipppeeeee) its hard cause i work from 8-6 & feel like i get home, eat & go to sleep. missing my nights a little....but it's worth it in the end.
im off to lakeland this weekend. need to go see my dad. his health is going downhill really really fast & i dont know just how much time he has left. he goes to the va dr in tampa wed so we shall see. thats another long story that i will entertain you with another time. now for some pictures.
ta ta for now girls......


:Jayne said...

It has been a great summer and mine was better getting to know your crazy ass! You are so much fun!
I hope things are soon better for your dad, it's so hard watching them age.


dawn said...

Great List Lauri! I shared some of those memories with you - and I hope you have a great time at CKU. I'd love to hear about your classes when you get back.

eljay716 said...

ahhh thank you!! I love you!

Michele L from Tampa said...

miss ya babe!